
2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009


Journal Articles

Biondi F, Jamieson P, Strachan S & Sibold J (2011) Dendroecological testing of the pyroclimatic hypothesis in the central Great Basin, Nevada, USA. Ecosphere 2:art5. [doi: 10.1890/ES10-00068.1].

Biondi F & Strachan S (2011) The Nevada NSF-EPSCoR Instrumented Transects: A Tool for Mountain-to-Valley Ecohydrology. Mountain Views 5: 2-4.

Book Chapters

McMahon M, Dascalu S-M, Harris FC, Strachan S, & Biondi F (2011). Architecting Climate Change Data Infrastructure for Nevada. Salinesi, C. and Pastor, O. (Eds.). Advanced Information Systems Engineering Workshops CAISE-2011. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, Vol. LNBIP-83, pp. 354-365.

Conference Presentations

Biondi F & Strachan S (2011) Climate Change Response of Great Basin Bristlecone Pine in the Nevada NSF-EPSCoR Project ( Keane RE, Tomback DF, Murray MP, & Smith CM (Eds.). The future of high-elevation, five-needle white pines in Western North America. Proceedings of the High Five Symposium, RMRS-P-63, pp. 203-204. USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fort Collins, Colorado.

Biondi F & Strachan S (2011) Tree-ring extension of precipitation variability for eastern Nevada: Implications for drought analysis in the Great Basin Region, USA. Oral Session on "The Past, Present, and Future of Global and Regional Droughts", Abstract H42G-08, Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco.

Devitt D, Arnone J, Biondi F, Fenstermaker L, Saito L, Young M, Riddle B, Strachan S, Bird B, McCurdy G & Lyles B (2011) Nevada monitoring system to assess climate variability and change. Abstract H33C-1147, Poster Session, 2010 Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco.

Johnson BG, Arnone III JA & Jasoni RL (2011) Controls on Conifer Sapflow Rate in Mountain Ecosystems. Abstracts of the 3rd Tri-State EPSCoR Consortium Meeting.

McMahon M, Harris FC, Dascalu SM, & Strachan S (2011) S.E.N.S.O.R. - Applying Modern Software and Data Management Practices to Climate Research. Computer Applications in Industry and Engineering 2011 (CAINE 2011), Honolulu, HI.

Saito LS, Biondi F, Fenstermaker L, Arnone J III, Devitt D, Riddle B, Young M. Bird B, Charlet D, Lyles B & Strachan S (2011) Investigations of ecological change and water resources along elevational gradients in arid environments for the Nevada NSF EPSCoR Infrastructure for Climate Change Science, Education and Outreach Project. Abstracts of the American Water Resources Association (AWRA) Spring Specialty Conference: Managing Climate Change Impacts on Water Resources: Adaptation Issues, Options and Strategies. Baltimore MD, April 18-20.

Saito LS, Biondi F, Fenstermaker L, Arnone J III, Devitt D, Riddle B, & Young M (2011) The Nevada NSF EPSCoR infrastructure for climate change science, education, and outreach project: investigations of ecological change and water resources along elevational gradients in arid environments. Abstracts of the World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, Palm Springs CA, May 22-26.

Strachan S, Bird B, Lyles B, McCurdy G. & McMahon M (2011) Building Climate Monitoring Infrastructure in Nevada: Integration of field science and cyberinfrastructure along high elevational transects. Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Seattle, WA.

Strachan S, Bird B, Lyles B, McCurdy G & McMahon M (2011) Building Climate Monitoring Infrastructure in Nevada: Integration of field science and cyberinfrastructure along high elevational transects. Abstracts of the 3rd Tri-State EPSCoR Consortium Meeting.